High purity silica sands
The deposits we represent are made up of secondary deposits (sands and gravels) of sedimentary origin. The source rocks were basically granites that weathering processes purified from oxides and other minerals, while fluvial and lacustrine sedimentation completed the deposition in the current position.
Our siliceous sands are obtained through open or sub-stratum extraction. The sands are subsequently selected granulometrically, refined by mechanical attrition, purified from heavy and/or light minerals through gravity selection in the spiral concentrators. A further separation stage, by flotation or magnetic separation, guarantees maximum purity. Sands are obtained with a high SiO2 content (over 99%) and a very low Fe2O3 content with different grades <100 ppm, <70 ppm, <50 ppm; Cr2O3 is found in traces. The German sands are made up of spherical granules, naturally rounded, while the Austrian quartz is obtained by crushing very pure quartz pebbles.
The main uses are: – Foundries and core shops – Sands for glassworks – Abrasives – Industrial floors with cement or epoxy resins – Use in premixed plasters – Quartz-based paints and varnishes – Sands for paint factories – Sands for adhesives and joints – Sands for refractories – Water filtration – Sands for aquariums – Sands for sports fields with synthetic grass – Sands for golf courses